Spider-Man Wiki
Spider-Man Wiki
Spider-Man Wiki
Real name: {{{real name}}}
Other Aliases: {{{other aliases}}}
Created by: {{{created by}}}
Voiced by: {{{voiced by}}}
Number of Appearances: {{{number of appearances}}}
First Appearance: {{{first appearance}}}
Appearance of Death: {{{appearance of Death}}}
Universe: {{{universe}}}
Alignment: {{{alignment}}}
Status: {{{status}}}
Species: {{{species}}}
Relatives: {{{relatives}}}
Place of Birth: {{{place of birth}}}
Citizenship: {{{citizenship}}}
Affiliations: {{{affiliations}}}
Base of Operations: {{{base of operations}}}
Abilities: {{{abilities}}}
Height: {{{height}}}
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hair Color: {{{hair color}}}
Eye Color: {{{eye color}}}
Unique Features: {{{unique features}}}

"We want to eat your brain!"
— Venom

Edward Brock (of Earth-30847) better known as Venom, is an alternate version of Eddie who appears in two Marvel vs. Capcom video games as a playable character.


Not much is know about this version of Eddie Brock

The only get that can be assumed is that he bonded with the Venom symbiote after his reality's Peter got rid of it, just like 616 Eddie did, and went on to become Venom, often calling himself "We".

Powers and abilities[]



  • Assumingly the same as 616 Eddie when he had the Venom symbiote on.



  •  For this version of Eddie, the Venom symbiote is a light blue in both games he is in, instead of the usual black or very dark blue. However, a dark blue alternate is available as an alternate color.
  • Eddie also appears as "Hyper Venom", or "Red Venom" dubbed by the fans in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes as a secret character. In this form, his speed and strength heavily increased, at the cost of taking twice as much damage. It could be a homage to Carnage, but it should be noted that this is only a homage, and is still Venom.
  • When the roster was final for Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Capcom gave two reasons as to why Venom wasn't chosen.
    • One reason that given said that it was would be too difficult to render his "morphing" attacks (a large portion of his attacks in the first two games involved him morphing the symbiote in various ways). Fans however questioned this reason since Shuma-Gorath, a DLC character who morphs like Venom, was playable.
    • The other was that Marvel wouldn't allow Venom to be in, which is likely because Eddie was no longer Venom at the time Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was released, but Anti-Venom.
  • Eddie Brock appears as Anti-Venom, as a card in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3's Heroes and Heralds mode.
    UMvC3 HerosHeralds AntiVenom

    Full Anti-Venom H&H card
