"Green Goblin Reborn!" is a Marvel Comics story arc, published in 1971, which features Spider-Man fighting against his arch enemy Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin.
This arc was published in The Amazing Spider-Man #96 - 98 (May 1971 – July 1971).
At the beginning of issue 96, a cash-strapped Peter becomes the room mate of Norman Osborn's son Harry Osborn. After changing into his Spider-Man costume, Peter saves a man dancing on a rooftop, realizes he is high on drugs, and finally says "I would rather face a hundred super-villains than throw my life away on hard drugs, because it is a battle you cannot win!"
In issue 97, Norman Osborn regains his memory, turns into the Green Goblin and attacks Spider-Man, then disappears mysteriously. At home Peter is shocked to find Harry popping pills, partly because his love interest Mary Jane Watson turned him down.
In issue 98, the saga ended by the Green Goblin locate and fight Spider-Man, and Peter defeats his enemy by showing him his sick son. Norman faints, and in the end Peter and his girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, rekindle their relationship.
Story Arcs | ||
Alpha | American Son | Brand New Day | Circle of Four | Danger Zone | Darkest Hours | Doc Ock Wins | Dying Wish | End of Spider-Man | End Times | Ends of the Earth | Flowers for Rhino | Goblin Nation | Great Heights | Green Goblin Reborn! | Hero Killers | I Killed Tomorrow | Identity Crisis | If This Be My Destiny | Invasion of the Spider-Slayers | Learning to Crawl | My Own Worst Enemy | New Ways to Die | No Turning Back | Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut! | One Moment in Time | One More Day | Red Headed Stranger | Sins Past | Sins Remembered | Spider-Man No More! | Spidey's Totally Tiny Adventure | Spiral | The Brand of the Brainwasher | The Death of Jean DeWolff | The Exile Returns | The Gauntlet | The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man | The Night Gwen Stacy Died | The Six Arms Saga | The Wedding! | Torment | Ultimate Spider-Man No More | Vibranium Vendetta | Web of Carnage |