"The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man" is a Spider-Man story written by Roger Stern, originally published in The Amazing Spider-Man #248 in 1984.
In the story, a young fan of Spider-Man meets his hero.
Plot summary[]
Tim Hammond lies in his bed. Newspaper captions say that he is the greatest Spider-Man fan in the world and has collected every article available on him, including a whole album of The Daily Bugle's retractions. Suddenly, Spider-Man comes into his room. In the following hours, the two trade anecdotes about Spider-Man's long career. The hero is surprised and touched by how much the boy adores him. Tim asks who Spider-Man really is. Spider-Man surprisingly takes off his mask, identifies himself as Peter Parker, and retells the fateful night when he let Uncle Ben die, causing him to fight crime as Spider-Man. The story does not change Tim's love of his hero. Spider-Man then departs. The last of thenewly printed newspaper captions states that the boy's only wish is to meet the hero in person because he will die from leukemia in a few days.
Story Arcs | ||
Alpha | American Son | Brand New Day | Circle of Four | Danger Zone | Darkest Hours | Doc Ock Wins | Dying Wish | End of Spider-Man | End Times | Ends of the Earth | Flowers for Rhino | Goblin Nation | Great Heights | Green Goblin Reborn! | Hero Killers | I Killed Tomorrow | Identity Crisis | If This Be My Destiny | Invasion of the Spider-Slayers | Learning to Crawl | My Own Worst Enemy | New Ways to Die | No Turning Back | Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut! | One Moment in Time | One More Day | Red Headed Stranger | Sins Past | Sins Remembered | Spider-Man No More! | Spidey's Totally Tiny Adventure | Spiral | The Brand of the Brainwasher | The Death of Jean DeWolff | The Exile Returns | The Gauntlet | The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man | The Night Gwen Stacy Died | The Six Arms Saga | The Wedding! | Torment | Ultimate Spider-Man No More | Vibranium Vendetta | Web of Carnage |